Member Meeting 4/29/17

April 19, 2017


Spring 2017 Annual Membership Meeting - You are Invited!

The spring “all-member” meeting of All Aboard Minnesota will be held
on Saturday, April 29, and… YOU are invited!

We are fighting to save passenger rail in Minnesota! We need you!   See below for details.

The meeting will be held at Christ the King Lutheran Church, located on 8600 Freemont Ave, South in Bloomington,  MN.

  • Doors will open at 9:00am 
  • The meeting will begin at 9:30am
  • Will conclude at 12:00noon.  Go in the main entrance on the south side of the church, walk straight back and down the hall on the left to the lounge.  There will be signs to direct you.

Refreshments will be provided in the morning, and at 12:00noon, we will provide a light lunch.  For directions, please click on this

We have an exciting agenda planned including:  

  • The All Aboard Minnesota board has been busy on the state and federal level legislative front-we will give an update on what we know, what we have done, and what actions we plan to take 
    • ​We will share an interesting survey results about passenger rail in Minnesota  
  • Working committees - we need your help - All Aboard Minnesota is forming member committees, learn how you can get involved according to your interest!  

We will break into the following committees to organize and move our cause forward
there will be opportunities to participate in numerous areas for those who might be interested).  A board member will describe what we need for each committee and ask for your input as we form these:     

  • Membership  
  • Legislative
  • Communications
  • Outreach

Next Steps, Questions and Answers

Members are asked to RSVP in advance Reservations will be accepted up until
Thursday April 27.  Please rsvp your reservation to AAMN at:


Or please call 612-781-2894 and leave a message 

We are excited to see you.  Together, we can save passenger rail for Minnesota and the upper midwest!

Contact Your Legislator About Funding Cuts

April 2, 2017

Dear Members and Friends,

It has been a busy week in Washington DC and in the Minnesota Legislature.  In case you missed it, President Trump’s budget proposal eliminates all funding for AMTRAK long distance trains, and cost sharing for new State supported intercity trains.  And, despite the urging of our members and others around the State, the Legislature did not include funding for new State supported interstate passenger trains in the Omnibus Budget.  That’s the bad news…

The worst case scenario? If these budgets are approved without modification, Minnesota will lose all intercity passenger trains! The Empire Builder will cease to exist, and development of new State supported trains will be stopped.

The good news is that it is not too late to act…here’s how:

Contact your US Senators and your district congressperson and urge them to reinstate funding for AMTRAK long distance trains and State funded intercity trains in the Congressional Transportation budget.  Find their contact information here

Contact Governor Dayton and urge him to maintain funding for the MNdot Passenger Rail Office.  This office coordinates the planning for new intercity trains like the Northern Lights express to Duluth, and Twin Cities Hiawatha to Chicago.  Also, request that he provides additional funds for development of intercity trains in his budget proposal. Telephone his office at: 651-201-3400.

A lesson learned from our previous legislative contacts:  Many of the legislators confuse intercity rail with urban Transit…LRT etc.  Make clear that you are supporting AMTRAK, Empire Builder and intercity trains.

If the Empire Builder is discontinued, the Twin Cities and the following Greater Minnesota cities will lose their intercity train service: La Crescent (La Crosse), Winona, Redwing, St Cloud, Staples/Brainerd, Detroit Lakes, Moorhead (Fargo) and East Grand Forks (Grand Forks).  The discontinuation of the Northern Lights Express project would also affect Cambridge, Hinkley, and Duluth/Superior.


If you know people from these locations or elsewhere who would be willing to help, please forward this note to them.

AAMN Response to Empire Builder Article by Star Tribune

January 2, 2017

To our members;

On Dec 24 the StarTribune ran an article on the Empire Builder.  We felt it was good coverage, but felt it needed some further context. Our response to the article is below.   Please forward this response to your elected officials or otherwise get the word out about our cause.  Thank you and Happy New Year!

All Aboard Minnesota Board.



Dear Mr. Peterson:


Your article about Amtrak’s Empire Builder correctly stated that ridership has definitely increased, and the benefits it provides over driving and flying.  Your article also mentions more frequencies for Amtrak service.  All Aboard Minnesota, a non-profit group whose mission is to advocate and educate for more rail passenger service for the state of Minnesota, is strongly in support of a second train frequency from the Twin Cities to Chicago.  Studies have shown that more than 200 riders would use the service each way, every day, and this service would attract new ridership.1


We are also strongly in support of a stop for passenger trains in Minneapolis, in addition to St. Paul Union Depot (SPUD).  While we applaud the renovation of SPUD, we believe a stop is necessary in Minneapolis/Hennepin County as the almost two thirds of the Twin Cities population reside there, and SPUD may be geographically undesirable for many.  While we believe it could be higher, MnDot estimates that perhaps an additional 20,000 riders would use current Amtrak service if a Minneapolis stop were made available.2   


Your article mentions “dips” in Amtrak’s ridership.  Actually, Amtrak’s overall ridership has actually increased now for at least five consecutive years.  Amtrak carried a record 31.3 million passengers in 2016, 400,000 more than last year, and the sixth consecutive year Amtrak has carried more than 30 million customers.3


Amtrak’s long distance services currently comprise 15 different routes, and for Amtrak’s Fiscal Year 2016 seven of these routes have seen increases in ridership over 2015, the Empire Builder being one of them.  As a group, the long-distance trains carried 3.2 percent more passengers in 2016 versus 2015.4 This is in spite of, as you pointed out, record low gas prices and additional competition.


The Minnesota legislature needs to adequately fund more rail passenger service as part of a balanced transportation network.  This would connect the Twin Cities to rural parts of the state, and would provide true options for the elderly, college students and others who often cannot drive or fly.


We can no longer solely rely on highway funding to meet all of our transportation needs. Rail passenger services requires less cost to add service versus new highways or airways, is environmentally friendlier, and offers comfort and safety that is superior compared to driving and buses.  For more information about All Aboard Minnesota, please visit our website:;  Thank you for your article and consideration of this response.


Best Regards,


Brian W. Nelson-President

All Aboard Minnesota



  1. MnDot State Rail Passenger office study
  2. MnDot
  3. Amtrak
  4. Amtrak

Fall Membership Meeting: Highlights and Video

November 27, 2016

All Aboard Minnesota’s 2016 fall membership meeting was held on Saturday, November 12… five days after the national election.  This was our third such meeting, and we had record turnout and a packed agenda!

View Meeting:

Here is a summary of the meeting:

  • Board members introduced themselves and gave a brief recap of 2016 activities and achievements.
  • Bob Moen gave a brief powerpoint presentation showing what he found on a recent scouting trip down UP’s “Spine Line” toward Kansas City.  This route has been identified in the State Rail Plan as a “Tier Two” choice for eventual intercity passenger service.  Bob reported on improved track conditions, existing station/platform infrastructure, and overall desirability of the route, which would serve important communities such as Northfield, Faribault, Owatonna, Mason City, and Des Moines.
  • House Representative Alice Hausman (Chair of the Transportation Policy and Finance committee) spoke on the outlook for progress given the new makeup of the House and Senate and how we can impact outcomes.
  • MnDOT Office of Passenger Rail – Dan Krom and Frank Loetterle—provided an in-depth look at their ongoing efforts to bring new service from the Twin Cities to Chicago and Duluth (NLX), and their legislative “ask” for funding and planning for 2017.
  • NARP Vice-Chair John DeLora, who launched and headed the Michigan Association of Railroad Passengers some 37 years ago!  John had many good suggestions on how to successfully grow a nonprofit organization; and to accomplish our grass-roots communication and education objectives.
  • Finally, the Board recognized several members for their important contributions in 2016.  Lunch and socialization rounded out this successful get- together.  Thanks to all who attended!

Fall 2016 Annual Membership Meeting - You are Invited!

October 21, 2016

Fall 2016 Annual Membership Meeting - You are Invited!  

The fall “all-member” meeting of All Aboard Minnesota will be held
on Saturday, November 12, and… YOU are invited!

We are extremely pleased to announce three very informative speakers for our meeting!  See below for details.

The meeting will be held at Christ the King Lutheran Church, located on 8600 Freemont Ave, South in Bloomington,  MN.  Doors will be open at 9:00am- the meeting will begin at 9:30am will conclude at 12:00noon.  Go in the main entrance on the south side of the church, walk straight back and down the hall on the left to the lounge.  There will be signs to direct you.

Refreshments will be provided in the morning, and at 12:00noon, we will provide a light lunch.  For directions, please click on this

This meeting is free and open to all members! 

We have an exciting agenda planned including:  

What has All Aboard Minnesota been doing?  What are the plans going forward?
Speaker Alice Hausman - Minnesota State Rep will give her thoughts on passenger rail for the state of Minnesota and the upcoming legislative session for transportation
Speaker John Delora - Vice Chair - National Association of Railroad Passengers -and Founder-Michigan Association of Railroad passengers-  advocacy lessons learned in Michigan
Speaker Dan Krom - Director - MnDot Passenger Rail Office - will give an update on key Minnesota state passenger rail initiatives
Recognizing our members - for all the great work you have done!
Member input - we want to hear your ideas!
Questions and Answers

Members are asked to RSVP in advance Reservations will be accepted up until
Monday November 7.  Please rsvp your reservation to AAMN at:


Or please call 612-781-2894 and leave a message 

This will be a great opportunity for all of us to meet, greet, and get to know each
other.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Spring 2016 Membership Meeting - Saturday, May 21

April 28, 2016


Spring 2016 Membership Meeting - You are Invited!

Spring membership meeting of All Aboard Minnesota will be held
on Saturday, May 21, and… YOU are invited!

The meeting will be held at Christ the King Lutheran Church, located on 8600 Freemont Ave, South in Bloomington,  MN.  Doors will be open at 10:00am.  The meeting will begin at 10:30 am and will conclude at 12:00noon.  Light refreshments will be provided in the morning.

For directions, please click on this

This meeting is free and open to all members! 

We have an exciting agenda planned: 

Update on our meetings and our learnings from the 2016 MN legislative session
What is happening with rail passenger legislation
Update on the MnDot State Rail Passenger office
Meetings we've had around the region with Wisconsin Association of Railroad Passengers, Prorail, and others
How you can help our cause

There is no need to RSVP, but if you have questions in the meantime please contact us at:
[email protected];

We look forward to seeing you there!

Stop by Train Days April 30-May 1 2016

April 24, 2016


Stop by Train Days April 30-May 1  2016

All Aboard Minnesota will be exhibiting at St. Paul Union Depot Train Days!  All members are invited to stop in and visit with AAMN Board members at this special two-day event being held on Saturday and Sunday, April 30-May 1.  Timing of the event is 10:00am to 4:00pm on Saturday April 30, and 11:00am to 3:00pm Sunday May 1.

The Depot is putting together an extravaganza celebrating train travel…an event that will feature an Amtrak exhibition train!  Also on display down on the depot tracks will be Milwaukee Road 4-8-4 #261, a Soo Line FP7, and other historic equipment.  Up in the main room, there will be art, speakers, vendors, operating model layouts, and of course… groups like us that will all be there in support of more and better train service in Minnesota.  Admission is free.

For more information, visit:

Spread the word and encourage your friends and family to come.  We hope to see you there!

Stand Up for More Trains in Minnesota

February 23, 2016

  • March 1: a great opportunity for all members to stand up for more trains for Minnesota.   One of AAMN’s top goals as an organization is to build grass-roots support for a more balanced transportation policy that includes sensible investment in modern trains.  One of the best (and easiest) ways to do this is through the submission of resolutions at local precinct caucuses which will be held around the state on Tuesday evening, March 1.


Most political parties registered in Minnesota hold precinct caucuses to allow citizens  to influence party policy.  Caucuses are run by volunteers.  Anyone can attend.  There is no fee or charge.  You’re are encouraged to voice your opinions.  It’s democracy at its grass-roots best!


Locations of all MN precinct caucuses are now posted on the Secretary of State’s website:  (Or, contact your city’s administrative office).  For most, your caucus location will be very close to wherever you live.



  • Sample caucus resolution: The Board is offering the following resolution for all members to bring to their local caucus, which is in support of a second daily train from the Twin Cities to Chicago.  Please  print this resolution out and take to your precinct caucuses:



  Resolution for Caucus night on March 1: 

“Whereas modern, fast, comfortable intercity passenger trains are largely missing in the state of Minnesota, and


Whereas the only one Amtrak daily train that serves west central Minnesota eastbound in the very early morning hours, and westbound at very late evening hours,


Whereas new train service on existing 79-mph routes costs a small fraction of the cost of building new roads and freeway lanes, examples being that to upgrade existing railroad right of way approximately $1 million per mile and new or highway expansion costs up to $10 million per mile, and


Whereas many other U.S. states have introduced new train services which have proven to be cost-effective and popular with the traveling public, and


Whereas more convenient train service will offer an economical and comfortable way for hundreds of thousands of people each year to get back and forth to Milwaukee and Chicago as alternative to driving on congested freeways, or flying, and


Whereas additional train service has proven to create economic growth, tourism, and community vibrancy all along its routes, as studies on the federal and state level have proven that every one (1) dollar invested in intercity passenger rail yields up to four (4) dollars in economic benefit to those communities served, and


Whereas MnDOT is currently studying the feasibility of adding a new daylight 79-mph passenger train between the Twin Cities, Milwaukee, and Chicago – on a reliable schedule-- thus opening up new and important travel options for citizens, now therefore


Be it resolved that we support the implementation of this new train service at the earliest opportunity, and direct our legislators to find a suitable, stable form of funding

to support it.